Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Day 6: Burgos to Carrion de los Condes (80 km)

Leaving Burgos, we came across literally full streets of dscarded rubbish everywhere from the celebrations of the night. The riding through most of the Castilian stages is one more level terrain allowing you to comfortably cover more distance. Although no less beautiful, the scenery changes dramatically through this region. Our destination, Carrion de las Condes makes for a relaxing town, between the bustling cities of Burgos and Leon.

St.James statue

Breakfast: tomato, bread, coffee
Lunch: lemonade
Dinner: Menu del Peregrino (salad, steak, flan)
Daily Cost - €16.30 (albergue €5.00, lemonade €1.10, coffee €1.20, dinner €9.00)