Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Day 10: Rabanal to Villafranca ( 58 km)

 Just before lunch we'll reach the Cruz de Ferro which is most famous locations. The Cruz de Ferro is an iron cross at the top of an enormous wooden pole. What makes it famous is the tradition of bringing a stone from your hometown to leave at the base of the cross. MAKE A WISH!
Cruz de Ferro
Before getting to Villafranca, there is another place to visit. In Ponderrada, we'll visit the Templar Castle, one of the oldest and finest examples of Spanish military architecture.

Templar Castle
Breakfast: juice, bread
Lunch: coke, fried bocadillo, coffee
Dinner: steak, wine
Daily Cost - €32.00 (albergue €6.00, lunch €5.00, coke+coffee €5.00, dinner €16.00)